deFacto Global Blog

A Bigger Showcase for Dynamic Customers

We love showing Microsoft Dynamics customers how deFacto Planning can improve their decision-making and help grow business. The recent Dynamics Innovation Expo, the first ever vendor-centric Microsoft Dynamics virtual conference, gave us the opportunity to engage with the Dynamics community like never before.

More than 2,500 Dynamics ERP users from 105 countries around the world signed up to explore the latest technology and business solutions from more than 40 ISVs. At no charge, these virtual Expo attendees enjoyed the same look and feel of modern conferences from the comfort of their desks.

Research shows that more than 70% of Dynamics users have never attended a conference. The online format of the virtual Dynamics Innovation Expo was a perfect medium to bridge this gap, enabling more Dynamics users to learn about the available solutions and their capabilities.

Participating as the Headline Sponsor for the inaugural Dynamics Innovation Expo enabled us to demonstrate our foundational belief that the best managed organizations work from a single version of the truth. The Innovation Expo enabled Dynamics users to cut through the noise of competing vendor claims to get useful information directly from potential solution providers.

A schedule of live, educational webcasts ran from 8 am to 8 pm EST. (If you missed it, a recording of deFacto’s session can be found here.)  Users could “roam” the environment at their convenience to download content, white paperscase studies, testimonials, etc.) or engage vendors via live chat. Those who were unable to attend could log in and download content for two days following the live event.

We had the pleasure of showing Dynamics users seeking forecasting, budgeting, and predictive analytic solutions the unique capabilities deFacto Planning, our enterprise-quality corporate planning software. The educational value of the conference cut both ways. The insights we gained as a sponsor allowed us to more intimately understand the needs and interests of Dynamics users.  Engaging in real-time with a wider audience of Dynamics customers was a valuable experience, and we look forward to participating in future Innovation Expos.

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