Tax Provisioning

Transform your tax provisioning process

deFacto Power Planning is designed to automate and streamline tax provisioning processes for companies. It allows for accurate, compliant, real-time tax reporting, so that your firm is always on top of what is owed.  

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Stay on top of what you owe

Our tax provisioning software solution is designed to simplify the process of filing and calculating taxes for your business. With robust business rules, improved data integrity through streamlined integration, and an all-in-one platform, you can ensure accurate calculations and get the best estimate of what your company owes. Our software will cut down on clutter and free up time spent on manually managing and updating Excel worksheets.

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Our proven solutions simplify tax provisioning procedures.

Business rules allow you to set the proper constraints and definitions for accurate, company-specific reporting and calculations. 

Improved data integrity via streamlined integration gives your firm the best estimate for what you owe. 

The all-in-one nature of our platform allows your company to cut down on clutter and rid your workflows of burdensome Excel worksheets.